Saturday, June 30, 2012

How many of us have broken relationship with friends or family over doctrine?

Have you ever broken relationship with Christian friends and family over doctrine. Hello? I have and I am ashamed. John Calvin once burned one of his closets friends at the stake because the friend believed in "free will" salvation rather than election! Burned his friend at the stake!

I was reading the bylaws of a church recently and it stated that this church subscribed to Armenian theology (free will salvation). This church was lining up to have a war with other churches right from the beginning. Christians against Christians over things that our pea brains cannot comprehend. Stupid and Evil.

How about families who are no longer talking to other family members based on WHEN or WHO might go to hell. Frankly that is none of our is God's alone (the wheat and the tares) or the parable of who worked all day for the same wage that was given to the guy hired at the end....none of our business. But let's fight. (in the name of Jesus)

God, Jesus! I am so sick of it. We are commanded to love...not to be right. If we want to be saved all we have to do is call on the name of the Lord-Jesus. 

This is the good news! It's simple and it's God's business. Our business is to love our neighbors unconditionally (like He did for us) take this simple good news to the nations and to talk to God about everything. That's it! Stop arguing, bickering breaking relationship...

Do we want Christ to return?- Well, I don''t think he wants a schizophrenic, bad tempered bride.

So let's lay down pre-trib, post trib, pan trip, predestination, glossolalia, transubstantiation, free will, once saved always saved, blah, blah, ain't any of our business.

If we have broken relationship over such as these then go to each other and ask forgiveness and then agree to disagree...who cares?

Please brothers and sisters......Come Holy Spirit!